Friday, October 29, 2010

Repentance of an Anti-Gay Bigot

Thank you, Mark, for this excellent post that gives people like me hope that Christians can change for the better. You bring out an important point which is that, once a relationship is built with a gay, lesbian, or transgender person, it becomes impossible to judge them. It is because of our distance from them that many Christians so easily bring judgment on these people. We look at Jesus in Scripture and realize that his task was to build relationships. That is, therefore, our task in making disciples of all nations. Instead of treating Matthew 28:19-20 as an injunction to go out and judge all people, we should look at this passage for what it is: a request to go out and develop relationships with people, bringing them the love of Christ. That is what those gay friends of yours did with you, and their love for you transformed you into a more Christ-like person. For those of your desiring to make a change like Mark did, follow my blog at http://wha­tjesusdidd­o.blogspot­.com and see how you can change the way you interact with others, responding in the way Jesus really did.

God bless.

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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